The story of Gesha Village Coffee Estate is a captivating journey of Rachel Samuel and Adam Overton, a dynamic and adventurous couple, who made a life-changing decision to leave their successful careers in photography and documentary filmmaking in Los Angeles, driven by their deep love for coffee. Over a decade ago, they joined forces with renowned international coffee consultant Willem Boot, who had previously established Geisha coffee farms in Panama. Their shared vision was clear: to infuse every step of the coffee production process with their unique touch of artistry, love, and unwavering dedication.
The Land
The joint vision to establish Gesha Village Estate laid the foundation for the establishment of a breathtaking, 450-hectare Ethiopian coffee farm in the true birthplace of Gesha coffee designed to elevate coffee flavors to unparalleled heights. Through our relentless pursuit of meticulous levels of detail, we explored the Gesha region and build a farm situated on the Gesha plateau at an elevation of 1900 to 2000 meters.
The People
As we celebrate our 10-year anniversary, we want to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who has been part of our journey. From the beautiful Meanit people to the stunning land that nurtures our coffee, from our loyal customers to the incredible Gesha Village team, we are immensely thankful for the support and love we have received. Coffee farmers in Ethiopia and in coffee regions around the world have become inspired by our success story. Our impact extends beyond coffee. Through our community outreach efforts, we have made a tremendously positive impact, including the protection of our local forest and the construction of a high school in the area.
The Cherries
Our goal at Gesha Village is to be the ultimate destination for coffee lovers and enthusiasts who yearn to discover the boundless array of flavors and tastes from a single generous magical terroir. Our beans quickly gained recognition and became beloved by baristas, roasters, and coffee connoisseurs around the globe. The Gesha Village brand became synonymous with extraordinary quality and captured the hearts and palates of coffee enthusiasts far and wide.
The Customers
Reflecting on the past decade, Gesha Village has achieved remarkable milestones that we are incredibly proud of. We pioneered the first estate coffee auction in Ethiopia and Africa, showcasing the immense potential of single-estate beans. Our reach expanded globally, with our precious beans making their way from cafés in South Africa to establishments in Shanghai and Melbourne. This year's auction is an ode to gratitude, a heartfelt celebration of thanks in different languages, symbolizing our appreciation for the love of delicious coffee that has been our driving force to continuously improve year after year.
Chinese: 谢谢(xie, xie)
French: Merci
Italian: Grazie
Arabic: شكرًا (shukran)
Japanese: ありがとう(arigato)